Update: I have written up another post for using Devise and Omniauth, and you can find it here. Facebooker is no longer maintained.
Top of my to-do list was to integrate Facebook Connect with my Rails app, since 1) there are A LOT of people using Facebook and 2) having to register to post or edit could be an obstacle in getting more users to use my site.
I looked on the web for a while, and found a great example by Stuart Eccles at Made by Many. It’s an awesome tutorial, but it’s for restful_authentication. I don’t use it, so I had to modify it a little bit. Also, I added a step to ask a user to pick a username. So the following instruction is basically modification of Stuart’s.
Without further ado, let’s begin.
1. Setup Facebook Application page
1.1. Go to this page, and enter a name for your application. I named mine “Playgrounds_R_Us”.
1.2. Make a note of Application ID, API Key, and Secret. You need it for facebooker.yml later.
1.3. Next is Authentication section. Here what’s important is Post-Authroize and Post-Remove Callback URL. They refer to a web page a user will be taken to after logging into and logging out of Facebook account. While testing, I left it at “”.
1.4. I also used the same URL ( for Canvas Callback URL in Canvas section and Connect URL in Connect section.
1.5. Then you are pretty much set with configuration on Facebook side.
2. Get facebooker plugin and install it. From your rails app root directory,
ruby script/plugin install git://github.com/mmangino/facebooker.git