On Monday, I’ve gotten Facebook Feed publishing to work with my site, and it took about two hours including TV watching time. I could’ve done it faster if I actually paid a full attention. It was all possible, thanks to Chris Schmitt, who has an excellent tutorial on his site.
1. Simply you first need to create a sub-class inherited from Facebooker::Rails::Publisher inside a controller. In my case, I wanted to publish a feed when a new playground is added and an existing playground is edited, so it made a sense to put it in playgrounds controller. publish_pg takes objects and sets parameters, and publish_pg_template creates a feed message based on those parameters.
class PlaygroundsController < ApplicationController
[SNIP - other actions]
class FacebookPublisher < Facebooker::Rails::Publisher
def publish_pg_template
one_line_story_template "{*actor*} created/updated: {*pg_name*}"
short_story_template "{*actor*} created/updated: {*pg_name*} in {*pg_city*}, {*pg_state*}",
"Check out what {*actor*} said, and rate or add comments to help other parents!"
def publish_pg(pg, facebook_session)
send_as :user_action
from facebook_session.user
data :actor => facebook_session.user.first_name, :pg_name => pg.name, :pg_city => pg.city, :pg_state => pg.state, :pg_id => pg.id
2. Then you need to create database to store templates. You can follow Chris’ example exactly.
class CreateFacebookTemplates < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :facebook_templates, :force => true do |t|
t.string :template_name, :null => false
t.string :content_hash, :null => false
t.string :bundle_id, :null => true
add_index :facebook_templates, :template_name, :unique => true
def self.down
remove_index :facebook_templates, :template_name
drop_table :facebook_templates
3. Finally you need to call the method, and you can do so by putting create in front, as Chris explains. In create action, I first check if logged-in user is a FB user, since if it’s called without existing facebook_session, it will barf. I have the similar check and call in update action for when a playground is edited.
def create
if @playground.save
if @current_user.facebook_user?
flash[:user_action_to_publish] = FacebookPublisher.create_publish_pg(@playground, session[:facebook_session])
redirect_to playground_path(@playground)
render :action => "new"
Oh, and also, don’t forget to add the following between <header></header> tags in app/views/layouts/application.html.erb so that FB Feed window pops up after create or update action.
<%= fb_connect_javascript_tag %>
<% init_fb_connect "XFBML","Api" do %>
<%= fb_user_action(flash[:user_action_to_publish]) if flash[:user_action_to_publish] %>
<% end %>
Happy integration!
I can’t get the FB feed window to pop up. Any ideas?
I’m probably just missing a typo but I have looked a half dozen times now.